Instead my haiku and accompanying artwork are about arriving home to find winter still firmly entrenched where I expected to find at least the hints of changing seasons.
In the spring parade
March is a month out of step
Sunshine trips on snow
For the artwork I took a photo of bare trees in the snow on a sunny day and arranged them in a kaleidoscope and then reduced the image, printed it out and encased it in resin to form a pendant. I included the original larger image as it is hard to see the details on the smaller pendant in the photo.
For my Japanese wedding haiku I offer the following:
Tender cherry buds
Unfold in sweet modesty
Like a young bride's smile
Amazing idea to capture the stark disappointment of looking out and still not seeing spring. When we moved from Texas to Virginia, I was VERY disappointed by March, since it resembles February too much, but with about 10 degrees F. added. A month out of step indeed.
Wonderful wording and they both convey such truths!
Fractals! :) I especially like the Japanese Wedding Haiku. Very nice.
Your design is fascinating Kathy. I wish I could see it more clearly...lovely. Neat idea to capture it in a pendant. Both of your haiku are brilliant! Love it
Kathy, this is beautiful.. simply said. Imagine being abale to capture that photo in a piece of jewellery. I can just hear your disappointment in your Haiku... and I love the Japanese one... in fact can almsot smell the blossoms in your words..
I've always loved kaleidoscopic patterns, and your trees illustrate exactly what sort of spring I've having here - cold.
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