Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Gnarled Coral" - Haiku Fiber Art and Poem - November 30, 2011

"Gnarled Coral" - Haiku Fiber Art and Poem - November 30, 2011

We're safe and secure...
Hidden from the world's dangers...
Is it just a dream...

   I designed and made this fiber piece with cotton fabrics, fancy yarns and beads.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Peach Rhapsody

Just about the time we got the Haiku prompt word for September I was itching to do another fiber/ribbon collage quilt.  The perfect opportunity arose when we were presented with the word “Rhapsody”.
I always think it’s  interesting to look at thought processes and how we end up where we end up so I hope you do too.  I considered “what have I been rhapsodizing about lately?” Peaches!!  I had brought home some from the market and every time I had one I was oohing and aahing about how declicious and perfect it was.
AND, just a few days before I had been in the local quilt shop looking at orange and PEACH fabric and carrying on about how gorgeous it was.

Tada!……………….. Peach Rhapsody
And here’s the Haiku

late summer harvest
fruit heavy branches bow low
ripe juicy peaches

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November - Gnarly Old Cat

For several years we have had a little family of feral cats occupying our back yard. Yes, we’ve been feeding them, and at one point early on we trapped them (3) and took them to be sterilized and for shots. We then turned them loose once again. There was no way these were ever going to be pets. 
Now, there is one plus a couple of neighborhood interlopers who come around from time to time.  This remaining little cat is the original – the Mom cat – she must be at least 15 or 16 now and is a tiny tough kitty. And very gnarly indeed.
Here is my Haiku:  

Gnarly Old Cat
Gnarly old cat waits
Not quite feral not near tame

Now running away

Friday, November 4, 2011

November word prompt: GNARLED

Here is the word for November : GNARLED
I hope you will have a lot of fun with this one. I see all kinds of possibilities.